Customizing Video and Gallery Fonts

All Vocal Video users have access to ten fonts to use in Videos and Galleries, including subtitles, video headings, and pull quotes. Pro customers unlock an additional 50 premium fonts, and Enterprise customers can email with the file of the brand font to add it to their account. Customizing your fonts keeps your videos on-brand.

You can further customize how you share videos by displaying them in attractive gallery embeds. Learn more about Vocal Video Galleries and Cards here.

Here's how to get started:

In the Video Editor, click Fonts on the right side. This is where you can control fonts for your entire video.

All users have access to the 10 standard fonts.

Users on a Pro subscription have access to all of these fonts plus an additional 50 fonts to choose from. 

The three main font controls are Teasers, Headlines & Names, and Body Text & Subtitles.

Here is an example of where those fonts are used in a Logo scene:

Every Text scene will adapt the same font design:

Subtitles and Attribution Bars are also controlled by the Fonts tab.

You can also control the Thumbnail text. Thumbnails are video stills that offer a preview of the video. It takes on the design you have set on the Fonts tab.

Many fonts have multiple weight options such as Thin, Light, Regular, Semibold, Bold, Heavy, and more.

How to Update Fonts for Video Cards

Video Cards are the building blocks of Video Galleries. Learn more about Cards here

To create a Card, just find any published video. Then click Embed. You have the option for Just the Video or Video Card. Click Video Card. Toggle the Design tab to control the colors, fonts, and more. 

Some fonts have the option for different weights or an all-caps version.

Pro Tip: You can also bold certain words in your quote and change the Accent Color to highlight certain words!

How to Update Fonts in Video Galleries

There are many ways to embed multiple videos to your site. This guide shows all the different types of Galleries you can create using Vocal Video.

You can also toggle fonts for Headings & Quotes, as well as Secondary Text. This will be automatically updated in any live embeds you may have on your website.

How to set a default font on the account level

If all your videos need to have a similar font, you can set this on the account level. You can also set the preferred font weight, and toggle italics or all-caps. All of this can be managed at an account level in your Account Settings.