Integrations and Automation: the Complete Guide

We've made it easy to connect Vocal Video to  6,000+ apps & services, including CRM, ATS, email automation, messaging apps, and AI, to name just a few. Plus, we've created an integration directory with 100+ pre-built templates to connect to the most popular platforms. Read this guide to learn how it works, and see some step-by-step examples:

What can I automate?

Vocal Video integrations typically fall into one of three main categories:

  1. Triggering an action in an external platform when a video collector response is received or when a new video is published. These automations are powered by Zapier (see below)
  2. Including a video collector link in automated email, SMS, or other communications to request video submissions
  3. Embedding content -- videos, video cards, and video galleries

This enables a huge variety of automated workflows -- from automated video requests to data sync to video backup & distribution. Here are some specific examples of what you can do:

  • Automatically send a video request when someone gives you a high NPS or customer satisfaction rating
  • Automatically request an asynchronous video interview as a stage in your hiring process
  • Send a message to a Slack or Teams channel when you get a new response, or someone on your team publishes a new video
  • Send automated follow-up emails to respondents via Gmail / Outlook / Mailchimp, or thank-you gifts via Sendoso / GiftBit
  • Sync respondent data into CRMs & marketing automation systems like Salesforce, Hubspot, Marketo, Klaviyo, etc.
  • Automatically download and back up new videos to Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, etc. (tutorial here)
  • Automatically share new videos on Youtube, LinkedIn, X/Twitter, and other social media platforms
  • Automatically sync videos and respondent data into Greenhouse, Workday, or another ATS when someone completes a video interview
  • Embed video galleries in Shopify stores, Wix sites -- or any website -- to improve engagement and conversion

What's Zapier, and how does it work with Vocal Video?

Integrations that trigger actions in your other apps when something happens in Vocal Video are powered by Zapier. Zapier is the industry-leading automation tool that lets you easily connect thousands of software platforms with a simple point & click interface.
Our integration directory features 100+ ready-made Zapier templates for the most popular apps available, and you can use Zapier to quickly connect Vocal Video to over 6,000 other apps & services.
We've embedded Zapier within Vocal Video
You can create and manage a Zapier-based integration without leaving Vocal Video! We've embedded the Zapier interface within Vocal Video, so you can access all of the power of Zapier without losing context.  You can even create a free Zapier account within Vocal Video!

What do integrations cost?

To use our Zapier-based integrations, you'll need any paid Vocal Video subscription, and you'll also need a Zapier account. For the vast majority of apps you might want to connect Vocal Video to, you'll only need a free Zapier account.

Embedding videos & galleries, and automating video requests (for example, by including a video collector link in an automated email sequence) are available on all Vocal Video plans, including our free plan.

Tutorials: Integrating Vocal Video with Slack and Google Drive

The best way to see how easy our Zapier-based integrations are to use is to seem some real examples. Here are some step-by-step guides:

Managing your active integrations

If you have any active Zapier-based integrations in your current workspace, you'll see an "Active" link in the menu. Click that to see a list of your active integrations, what trigger they're based on, who created the integration, and when. To manage or disable any of the integrations, click the button to open up your Zapier account.

Collector Integrations

To make it even easier to trigger an action when a specific video collector gets a response, we built a subset of our integration directory into the video collector builder. We call these "collector integrations":

In the collector builder, we only show integrations that are designed to run when a video collector gets a new response. And when you set up an integration from this page, it will be automatically configured to only run when the current video collector gets a new response

Embed-based integrations

Triggering actions when a video is published or a new response comes in are only some of the ways you can integrate Vocal Video with your stack. 

One of the most important ways, of course, is to embed your videos and galleries in your website or online store. Vocal Video galleries can be embedded as traditional galleries, carousels, slideshows, walls of love, and lists. It's easy to make them complement the design of your website, and after you embed them, you can update the gallery anytime to show new videos without updating the embed code!

Read our tips for adding embed codes to your specific website platform here.

Creating custom integrations

Custom Zapier-based integrations

If you want to create a custom Zapier-based integration with any of the 6,000+ apps Zapier connects to, just click on the Zapier card in the integration directory:

Custom integrations based on webhooks

If you want to create your own custom integration without using Zapier, you can use our Subscription API to register webhooks when new videos are published or responses are received. Read our guide to learn how it works.

Need help?

If you ever need any help, don't hesitate to reach out to We're here to help.