How to Automatically Upload Published Videos to Google Drive

It's easy to automatically save new published videos and collector responses to Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and other file storage services.

This guide shows how to save published videos to Google Drive, but the process is nearly identical for other file storage services. And if you want to save unedited video collector responses to Google Drive, read this guide.

Note: to use this integration, you'll need a paid Vocal Video subscription.

Step 1) Find Google Drive in our Integration Directory

Go to Integrations > File Storage, and click on the Google Drive card:

Step 2) Select a pre-built automation template

Click on the automation template titled Upload newly published videos to Google Drive:

💡   Note: If this is the first time you've set up a Zapier-powered integration in Vocal Video, you'll see a one-time popup letting you know you're about to use the embedded Zapier interface. Click through that to continue.

Step 3) Create a free Zapier account, or log in if you have one

If you already have a Zapier account, you can log in within the embedded Zapier popup. If you don't already have a Zapier account, you can create one right within our embedded popup, without even selecting a password.

💡  Note: If you have multiple workspaces, you'll be prompted to select which workspace the integration should apply to. (Vocal Video integrations operate on one workspace at a time, so you can have different integrations active for different workspaces.)

Step 4) Configure the Vocal Video side of the integration

In the embedded Zapier builder, click through the steps to configure the Vocal Video side of your automation. Basically, just keep clicking the big blue Continue button at the bottom!

Step 5) Configure the Google Drive side of the integration

Click through these steps to configure the Google Drive side of your automation:

  • App & Event: Google Drive should already be selected as the App, and the Event should already be set to Upload File
  • Account: Click Connect to grant Zapier access to save files to your Google Drive account. Be sure to click "Allow" in the popup window that opens.
  • Action: This is where you'll need to enter some important details:
    • Drive: if you have multiple Google Drives associated with your Google account, you can select which one to save files to here.
    • Folder: select which folder in your Google Drive to save the files to. (If you haven’t already created a folder, you can open up a new tab and create a folder in Google Drive.)
    • File: click the dropdown and select Video File Location
    • Convert to document: leave this set to false
    • File name: leave this blank to have it automatically set to the public title of the published video, or customize it however you want
    • File extension: leave this set to .mp4
  • Test: click the test button to send a test video to your selected Google Drive folder. (note: you'll need at least one published video in your current workspace for the test to work!)

If everything's configured properly, you should see a video in your Google Drive that's playable and downloadable. If not, go back to the Action step and doublecheck your settings.

All good? Be sure to enable your integration by clicking the  Publish button:

Once your integration shows as "On", you can click the X in the upper-right corner to close the embedded Zapier interface.

Now, when you publish a new video in your current workspace, it will be automatically uploaded to Google Drive!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this upload all the videos I've already published?

No, this integration will only upload new videos as they are published. However, if you republish a video after enabling this integration, it will be saved to Google Drive. You can also manually download your existing published videos to add them to Google Drive.

Why are my files showing up in my Google Drive as .txt files?

You might have left the File Extension field blank. Make sure you have it set to .mp4. Also, if you select anything other than Video File Location for the File field, it may also auto populate as a .txt file.

Can I see a history of all the videos I’ve automatically sent over to Google Drive?

Zapier does not have that functionality so unless you have Google Drive notifications set up, you won’t get notifications. There is also no dashboard that displays your Zap history. You’ll have to track it yourself. 

How do I save all my raw Video Collector responses to Google Drive?

Read this guide for step-by-step instructions.