Video Collector Customization FAQ

Most customers won’t need to make any advanced changes to the Video Collector, but it is now possible to update all of the fields. Read on for details on how.

If you are looking to translate your entire Collector to another language, check out this article: Localizing Video Collectors, Transcripts and Subtitles.

Table of contents:

Welcome page

How do I customize the “How it Works” blurb?

You can opt to not show it entirely. If you want to keep it but edit the text, go to Advanced on the left-side menu, then click Customize Collector Text

Access the Welcome Page tab, and then you can edit every section. 

How do I customize all the text on the Collector Welcome Page?

From the same page as above, you can edit all of the fields on your Collector's Welcome Page. Be careful with the variables which look like this: {{text}}. These draw from our database.


How do I edit the tips that come with every question?

Click the tiny cog button on the top of every question. This allows you to edit tips and max duration for responses.

This will bring up a pop-up where you can customize your tips. If you have a Pro account you can also set a time limit for responses.

You’ll need to edit the tips separately for each question.

How can I ensure that respondents leave a shorter response?

Click the tiny cog button on top of every question. At the bottom, toggle Max recording length. If you have a Pro account you can set a time limit for responses. Respondents can be given less than five minutes, but not longer. If you feel that a respondent may need more than five minutes, we suggest adding a supplemental question.


How do I turn off the $100 prize drawing?

Turn it off on the Welcome Page under Incentives.

How do I give my own incentive?

First, turn off Vocal Video’s Prize Drawing. Then, choose Giveaway, Contest, or Donation and write in your own text under Custom Incentive.

Respondent Experience

How can I change the Start Record button? 

Any preset you are not happy with can be edited by selecting Advanced, and then Customize Collector Text. There are many text fields you can customize as our software is optimized for both desktops and mobile.

Under Desktop Video/Audio Recorder you can edit the messages and buttons on your Collector for collection of video or audio responses, such as the "Start" and "Stop" button.

Under Mobile Response Uploading you can chance the messages that show when a response has been collected and while it uploads. You can also edit your "Try Again" and "Cancel" buttons, if you wish.

If you make a mistake while editing, you can restore defaults by copying the Default Value at any time.

How can I turn off or edit the step numbers?

You can turn this off entirely in  Advanced.

We like step numbers because it gives respondents the idea of what to expect.

You can also edit the language of the step numbers. For example, if you want to write "Question" "Simulation" or "Exercise" instead of "Step" (depending on how you are using Vocal Video) just go to Advanced and Customize Collector Text and then go to the Question Pages.

There are variables in this value, so be careful not to alter that text or it will break the code. Instead, alter the text outside of the brackets.


How do I ask for things other than name, email job title, or company name?

If you have a Pro subscription, you can create up to three Custom Form Fields for respondents to answer. To do this, go to the Attribution section of the Video Collector and click on Custom Form Fields.

For each of the Custom Form Fields you can decide if a respondent is required to answer the question or not by toggling the corresponding button.

Are Name and Email fields required? 

Yes. They are required.