How to Move a Video Collector to a New Workspace
Once you have your new workspace set up, you will want to start sending out collectors to get new video responses in your new workspace. If you haven’t created your new workspace yet, you can learn how to do that here:
How to Add Additional Workspaces
What if you have an existing video collector in your original workspace that you want to move to your new workspace? Unfortunately, there’s no way to simply migrate an existing video collector to another workspace. You’ll need to create a new video collector in the new workspace and copy the questions and settings from your original video collector.
If there are links to your old video collector that you can’t change (say links in an email that’s already been sent) we’ll show you how to make your new video collector’s public link the same as your old collector’s public link.
Step 1: Switch to your new workspace with the workspace selector:
Step 2: Create a new collector in the new workspace with the same questions and settings (welcome message, thank-you message, etc.) as the pre-existing collector. If you don't know how to create a collector, check out this article:
How to Set Up a Vocal Video Collector and Get New Videos
you can skip steps 3-7 if you don’t need your new video collector to have the same public link as your old video collector)
Step 3: Switch to your original workspace and open your original video collector
Step 4: Click the dropdown menu in the header bar, and select Edit Public Link
Step 5: Copy the public link of your old video collector, then change the old video collector’s public link to something else. (you can just add a “-1” at the end to make a minimal change)
Step 6: Switch back to your new workspace and open your new video collector
Step 7: Click the dropdown menu in the header bar, and select Edit Public Link. Paste in the public link you copied from your old video collector and click “Update URL”. Now your new video collector has the same public link that your original video collector used to have.
Uploading Responses Into Your New Workspace
If you would like to move responses from your original workspace into your new workspace you can download the video clips from your existing responses and upload them into your new workspace. See these guides on
How to Download Videos and
How to Upload Clips for more details.