How to Fully Customize Vocal Video Collectors
Before reading this article, you might want to check out How to Set Up a Vocal Video Collector and Get New Videos.
Customizing Text Fields in Your Collector
To customize the additional fields in your collector, click on Advanced > Customize Collector Text.

You can then localize the Collector into another language or customize any or all of the standard fields. For fields with variables, be sure not to change any of the code within the brackets, or delete the code altogether. Don't forget to hit the blue Save Changes button when you are done!

If you make a mistake while editing, you can restore defaults by copying the default value at any time.
If you are looking for more information on localizing your collector, transcripts or subtitles check out this article: Localizing Video Collectors, Transcripts and Subtitles
Custom Tips for Questions
From the Question page you can click on the toggle button, which will bring up a pop-up that allows you to customize the tips respondents see with each question.

Custom Step Numbers
We like to use step numbers because it gives respondents an idea of where they are in the process of responding and how quickly they are moving through the steps.
Example with step numbers:
Example without step numbers:
If you decide you want to turn step numbers off, you can do that under Advanced.

You can also customize the step titles depending on how you are using Vocal Video. To customize your step numbers go to Advanced > Customize Collector Text > Question Page. When editing step titles, be sure not to change any of the code within the brackets. Hit the blue Save Changes button when you are done.

Here is an example of alternative step number titles: