Cancellation and Refund Policy

It’s easy to cancel your subscription in your account’s Settings under Manage Subscription. Once you cancel an active subscription, you’ll maintain access until the renewal date. For example, if you sign up for an annual subscription and cancel it at the 6 month mark, you will still be able to access your account for the remaining 6 months. We do not offer prorated refunds of annual subscriptions.

Once your subscription lapses, we schedule your account for deletion in about 30 days, including all videos and data as a part of our security policy. During that 30 day period, you may reactivate your account at any time. We don’t offer a way to ‘pause’ accounts. Once your videos have been deleted, video and gallery embeds will also cease to work.

We know things happen, so we also offer easy refunds from accidental sign ups or renewals within 7 days of the charge. All requests for refunds can be sent to All refund request subject to review, and we cannot offer refunds after the 7 day window. 

Looking to delete a free account that you've created? If you've never upgraded, you don't need to do anything. The account stays free in perpetuity even if you don't use it. Further account deletion inquiries can be sent to