Overview: Standard Vs. Custom Video Releases

Looking for step-by-step instructions for setting up custom releases and waivers for your respondents in Vocal Video? Click here.

Our standard video release for respondents

When respondents submit video & audio recordings through Vocal Video Collectors, you automatically have permission to use, modify, and reproduce their recordings through our terms of use. It’s no different than when someone uploads user generated content to a social media site: the uploaded content is governed by the site’s terms of use.

We make it easy for respondents to understand the terms by summarizing them in plain english within your collectors. Respondents who are curious simply click the “have questions?” link on the welcome screen. We also embed the full terms of use and privacy policy for those who want to read the details. As these documents go, ours are very transparent and readable, which puts respondents at ease.

The consent that respondents give to use their recordings is revocable – they can email legal@vocalvideo.com to request that their recordings not be used in the future. Making the consent revocable is required by GDPR and other laws, and it’s also the right thing to do. In practice, this almost never happens.

While our standard process suffices for the vast majority of Vocal Video customers, some organizations need respondents to consent to their own custom video release language. We now support this – read on to learn how it works.

Custom Video Releases

Vocal Video Pro and Enterprise customers can upload custom, company-specific video release language and require that their respondents explicitly consent to this language when submitting their recordings.

When this feature is enabled, we keep track of whether each respondent agreed, as well as the exact language each respondent agreed to.

Learn more about custom video releases here.

If you have further questions about how custom video releases work, or whether they’re the right choice for your organization, let us know.