How to Customize Collector Link Preview - Open Graph Overview

Note: Editing your Open Graph image requires a Pro or Enterprise plan.

What is Open Graph? And when to use it

The Open Graph image is the thumbnail that appears when you post a link to a web page to social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and other supported messaging sites. Each Video Collector has a default Open Graph Image optimized for high engagement on social media, and you can now customize the clickable thumbnail and text.

How it works

With our default Open Graph image and meta tags, your Collector will look like the screenshots below when sharing it on social media and messaging apps.

Pro Users can edit the image and description by going to the Collector Editor then selecting Advanced from the sidebar, then scrolling to Open Graph Image & Description and choosing Customize.

You can upload a 1200 x 600 px image which will be the new Open Graph image that replaces the default graphic. On this page, you can also make changes to the Open Graph Title and Description, which shows up in link previews: 

Here’s what it will look like posted on various channels: